About the John Lewis Parent, Staff, and Community Organization...
Founded in 2008 as an alternative to traditional PTAs, the John Lewis (formerly West) PSCO was designed with the goal of being an organization that included all segments of the John Lewis family, even those that may not actually have children currently enrolled. We recognized from the beginning that our school’s volunteer base is comprised of many individuals who hold JLES near and dear for a variety of reasons, and wanted to ensure that their place is secure as active participants in our school’s well being.
John Lewis Elementary School holds a long history of both parental and community involvement, most notably with our very school building. Originally constructed as a small, red-brick school house in the 1920s, in the late 1960s a plan was made to perform modernization and rehabilitation of the school building. Neighborhood resident, Willie Morgan, whose son, Michael Morgan had attended the then West Elementary and gone on to become a world-renowned conductor with the National Symphony Orchestra, petitioned to have the building demolished and completely rebuilt. His mission came to fruition in the early 70s and West became a shining example of what a public school could be.
With our most recent full reconstruction being completed in 2021, we took on a new face, and a new name, to reflect all that our school body stands for. In honor of our namesake, we are proud to continue our spirit of contributing to our school community today, both through volunteer hours and financial contributions that go directly to support our students. The PSCO carries almost no administrative costs because the majority of our administrative requirements are donated by parents, and our close working relationship with the school staff enables us to help where it is most needed at any given time with unmatched speed and efficiency.
Why Do We Call Ourselves the PSCO?
Our name was created with intentionality in order to represent all facets of the John Lewis Family.
P is for Parents…without whom there would be no children to educate. Parents play a vital role in their children’s education and can aid in their success by engaging in their learning experience at John Lewis.
S is for Staff…our teachers, counselors, teaching aides, custodians, administrative aides, lunch hostesses, and EVERY adult at our school who takes a vested interest in guiding our students’ learning experiences.
C is for Community…a committed group of supporters who may not have students AT our school but are determined to make John Lewis the best school DC has to offer. We welcome their support and assistance.
O is for Organization…because a group of people with the best of intentions are unable to truly help if they’re not organized together with a common purpose, goal, and vision.
Joining the JLES PSCO
As soon as you join the John Lewis family, you are a part of the PSCO. There is no form to fill out, and there are no required dues to pay. PSCO meetings are listed on the school calendar, and notifications are sent out via the school's Remind system. There is a John Lewis PSCO Facebook Group if you are interested in joining for informal conversation and information.
Supporting the PSCO
Support can be in the form of volunteer hours or financial donations. The JLES PSCO is a 501(c)(3) organization, which means gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our fundraising efforts directly benefit the students of John Lewis in the form of items like microscopes, laptops/tablets, aftercare scholarships, professional development activities, and so much more!
You can donate today at this link to our general fund or using the button below. Should you wish to make a specific directed donation, please email us at JohnLewisPSCO@gmail.com for directions. To donate via check/money order, please make it payable to John Lewis PSCO and deliver directly to the school (1335 Farragut St NW, Washington, DC 20011).